You can save energy and water in your home by making simple changes in your daily life. Here are some tips that are good for both your wallet and the environment.


How to save electricity and energy in everyday life

  • Don't keep your home warmer than you need. Lowering the temperature in your home by one degree reduces the environmental impact by 5%.
  • Skip standby.Turn off your computer, TV and other appliances completely when you are not using them.Unplug chargers when not in use.
  • Set the right temperature in your fridge and freezer.It should be +4°C in the fridge and -18°C in the freezer.This will give you a good balance between good food storage and low energy use. Of course, make sure the fridge and freezer doors are always closed. Clean and defrost your fridge and freezer regularly. Never put food in the fridge and freezer while it is still warm.
  • Furnish correctly. Do not place furniture in front of the elements and thermostats.
  • Switch to LED lights and turn them off in rooms you are not in. An LED bulb uses 4-5 times less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb and lasts up to 15,000 hours.
  • Ventilate smartly. If you need to ventilate: open wide and ventilate for a short time. A short cross ventilation is the most efficient way to ventilate the apartment. In the meantime, turn off the thermostats on the radiators.
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How to save water in everyday life

  • Take a shorter shower and don't let the water run unnecessarily. Turn off the tap while soaping up, brushing your teeth, peeling potatoes, etc.
  • Wash dishes and laundry with full machines or use half-full or quick wash programs.
  • Keep a water jug in the fridge so you don't have to run water to get cold drinking water.


Important notice!

Report even small water leaks immediately by making an maintenance request. This could be the toilet seat leaking onto the floor, which can greatly increase water consumption over time. You should also report any problems with the water flow, water temperature, taps or toilets.

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5 tips on how to wash in an environmentally friendly way

  • Wash at the right temperature. Don't wash hotter than you need to. Normally dirty laundry gets clean at 40°C, while using almost half as much energy compared to a 60°C program.
  • If there is an eco-program on your washing machine, always use it.
  • Dose correctly and don't overuse detergent. Follow the dosage on the package – it's good for the environment and the package lasts longer. Most of the time, the lowest indicated dose of detergent is enough, or even less than that.
  • Always fill the machine. A half empty washing machine uses as much energy and water as a full one.
  • Dry smart. Think about whether you need to use the drying cabinet/drying room. Maybe a few items of clothing can hang-dry in the apartment? Always turn off the fan in the drying room after using the laundry room.
  • Turn off the light. If the lights do not turn on and off automatically in your laundry room, turn off the lights when you leave the room.