Fastighets AB Balder is a listed property group that owns, manages and develops properties in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany and the UK. By being a long-term and stable owner, Balder creates attractive and safe areas in which people can live and do good business.​

Customer service

0774-49 49 49

Customer Service is open Monday–Friday, 07:00–17:00. See special hours of business below.

Would you like to submit a fault report?

If something is not working as it should in your home or premises, you can submit a maintenance request. In the event of serious incidents in your apartment or premises outside our hours of business, please contact our on-call service by calling 0774-49 49 49.

The easiest way to submit a fault report is via our Tenant app. You use your BankID to log in and the case will go straight to your property caretaker. You can of course also contact Customer Service via email or phone.  

Are you looking for a specific person?

You can reach all our employees and offices all over Sweden via our Customer Service, tel. 0774-49 49 49.

You can also email the person you are looking for using the format

Postal address

Fastighets AB Balder
Box 53 121
400 15 Göteborg

Addresses of our local management offices

Special hours of business 2025

On weekends and public holidays, Customer Service and our local management offices are closed or have reduced hours of business. Please also note that our property caretakers have reduced working hours on these days, so the handling of maintenance requests may be delayed until the next working day. 

New Year's Day, January 1: Closed
April 17: 07:00–12:00
Good Friday, April 18: Closed
Easter Monday, April 21: Closed
Walpurgis Night, April 30: 07:00–12:00
May 1: Closed
Day before Ascension Day, May 28: 07:00–12:00
Ascension Day, May 29: Closed
Friday, May 30: Closed
Day before National Day, June 5: 07:00–12:00
National Day, June 6: Closed
Midsummer Eve, June 20: Closed
Midsummer Day, June 21: Closed
Day before All Saints' Day, October 31: 07:00–12:00
All Saints' Day: Closed
Christmas Eve, December 24: Closed
Christmas Day, December 25: Closed
Boxing Day, December 26: Closed
New Year's Eve, December 31: Closed


Balder has offices in 15 locations across the country, from Sundsvall in the north to Malmö in the south. In most locations, we offer both housing and commercial spaces, as well as parking spaces, garages, and storage facilities. You can reach all our offices through our Customer Service, tel. 0774-49 49 49

Find an office near you