The heating system in the house, together with the ventilation, should contribute to a good indoor climate in your apartment. It should always be at least 20°C in your apartment, but the temperature can vary depending on the outdoor temperature.

With a sudden change to colder weather, the heating system may need a few days to adjust to colder weather. If you cover the thermostat with curtains or place furniture in front of the radiators, the thermostat will not work properly. So think about this when decorating your home.

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If you feel cold in your apartment, do the following

  1. Wait a few days for the heating system to adjust to the change in weather.
  2. Make sure that furniture, curtains or radiator covers do not cover the radiators as this prevents the air from circulating and spreading the heat in the room. It is also important not to cover the thermostat that senses the temperature in the room.
  3. Make sure the vents in your apartment are open and clean. If a vent is clogged or covered, the ventilation can stop working and the heat will not spread in the apartment. Closed vents can also lead to cold drafts from doorways, letterboxes, etc. The vents in your apartment can be located at the radiator, at the window or on the wall.
  4. Measure the temperature by placing a thermometer, preferably digital, in the middle of the room 1 meter above the floor. If the thermometer reads below 20°C for several days in a row, please make a maintenance request.