In an apartment block, you always have neighbours all around you. People are different and lead different lives. It’s important that you respect your neighbours and are aware that all of you together contribute to a good community.
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General house rules

Showing respect and consideration to neighbours is important if everyone is to be happy in their home. Show extra consideration before 08:00 and after 22:00 – every day of the week. Also bear in mind that many people sleep a little longer at the weekend, and that there may be neighbours in the building who work at night and sleep during the day.

If you’re planning a party, to do some drilling or another activity that might cause some disruption, you should advise your neighbours of this well in advance. This does not, however, mean that you can make a noise as loudly and for as long as you like. Common sense and consideration should always prevail, at all hours of the day. If the disturbance service is contacted, you will need to pay for the inspection they conduct at your place.

Bear in mind that the House Rules also apply to your guests.

  • Show extra consideration between 22:00 and 08:00, every day of the week.
  • Don’t use the dishwasher, washing machine or tumble drier late in the evening or at night.
  • Don’t have the volume too high when playing music, listening to the radio or watching TV. Bear in mind: the later in the evening, the lower the volume.
  • Inform your neighbours in good time if you’re going to have a party. It’s a good rule to lower the volume, the later it gets in the evening.
  • Don’t shake mats or bedclothes from your balcony.
  • Bear in mind that if you smoke on the balcony, smoke can make its way into your neighbour’s home.
  • Make sure that your pet does not disturb the local area.
  • Don’t feed birds on your balcony or at other places within the residential area – it causes a mess and attracts mice, rats and other pests.
  • Clean up after yourself in the laundry room. If a machine or drying cabinet is not working, submit a fault report. Leave the laundry room in the state that you yourself would wish to find it when you go to do your laundry.
  • Keep the entrance doors closed and don’t let any unauthorised persons into the building.
  • Sound travels easily in the stairwell. Bear in mind that running, playing and slamming entrance doors can easily disturb others.
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Are you being disturbed by your neighbours?

If you feel that your neighbour is disturbing you, it’s always best to try and speak to the neighbour first. This usually solves the problem in most cases. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can instead submit a maintenance request. We then inform the neighbour that a report has been received, and the neighbour has a chance to improve. If there are repeated disturbances, the disruptive neighbour may have their contract terminated.

In the event of serous disturbances in the evenings or at weekends, you can call our disturbance hotline, 0774-49 49 49.


What is not considered a disturbance?

Certain sounds can be perceived as being disturbing, but are part of everyday life and are not classified as a disturbance. It could be, for example:

  • walking across the floor
  • opening and closing doors/cupboards
  • opening outer door/balcony door
  • flushing the toilet or taking a shower
  • listening to music/the radio
  • watching TV at normal volume
  • preparing food
  • children playing or crying
  • using the dishwasher, washing machine or tumble drier in the daytime/evening