Balder strives to promote the fair and well-functioning letting of our residential apartments. All letting should be managed in accordance with the company’s guidelines.

These guidelines have been developed in order to obtain an unbiased assessment when selecting a tenant based on the stakeholders who have registered their interest in an apartment. There must be no discrimination in the selection process on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion or other belief, disability, transgender identity/expression or age.

Our vacant apartments are published on We look forward to receiving your application.

Basic requirements

  • Applicants must be adults, i.e. over the age of 18.
  • Applicants must have an income. The income shall be verified by means of a certificate or a document.

The following are treated as income:

- Income through permanent employment
- Income through self-employment
- Retirement pension

Income requirement: Potential tenants must have a gross income that is at least three times the rent.

The following are treated as income for a student apartment*:

- Grant from the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN) 
- Income through employment
- Income through self-employment
- Retirement pension

Income requirement: Potential tenants must have a gross income that is at least two times the rent.

  • A credit check is performed for all applicants. The credit check must confirm that there are no payment notes or debts.
  • Housing references are obtained for applicants who are considered for selection. These references must not be negative.
  • In order to prevent unhealthy living conditions, there is a recommendation on how many people may live in an apartment. The number of people refers to adults and children.

    1 bedroom, max. two people
    2 bedrooms, max. three people
    3 bedrooms, max. five people
    4 bedrooms, max. six people
    5 bedrooms or more, max. eight people

* To be able to let a student apartment, you must present a letter of admission to a post-secondary study programme, e.g. at a university, college of higher education or institute for higher vocational education. For the letter to be accepted, you need to study at a rate of study of at least 50 percent, which corresponds to 15 ECTS credits per semester.