The Balder share, Balder B, is listed on Nasdaq since 2005 and the share capital amounts to SEK 198,333,333 distributed among 1,190,000,000 shares. The principal owner is Erik Selin Fastigheter AB.

The Balder share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. The share capital in Balder amounts to SEK 198,333,333 distributed among 1,190,000,000 shares. Each share has a quota value of SEK 0.16667, of which 67,376,592 shares are of Class A and 1,122,623,408 are of Class B. Each Class A share carries one vote, and each Class B share carries one tenth of one vote. 

The principal owner in Fastighets AB Balder is Erik Selin Fastigheter AB, which holds 33.5% of the capital and 47.3% of the votes. Other major owners are Arvid Svensson Invest AB, Swedbank Robur Fonder and AMF Fonder & Pension. The number of shareholders is currently approximately 30,700.

The share’s performance over time

Tables dated 30 September 2024. 

Borskurs Substansvarde Eng Q3 2024 0.png

The dividend 

Balder’s goal is to generate the best long-term total yield for its shareholders. The assessment is still that this is best achieved by reinvesting the profits in the business in order to create further growth. For this reason, the dividend will remain low or will not be declared at all.

Analysts following Balder

  • Staffan Bülow, Nordea
  • Erik Granström, Carnegie
  • Fredric Cyon, Carnegie
  • Markus Henriksson, ABG Sundal Collier
  • Jan Ihrfelt, Kepler Cheuvreux
  • Albin Sandberg, Kepler Cheuvreux
  • Johan Edberg, Handelsbanken
  • Stefan Andersson, Danske Bank
  • Lars Norrby, SEB
  • Emil Ekholm, Pareto
  • Viktor Hökenhammar, Pareto
  • Niklas Wetterling, DNB

Ownership list

OwnersClass A sharesClass B sharesTotal number of sharesCapital, %Votes, %
Erik Selin med bolag49 855 968343 265 400393 121 36833,547,3
Arvid Svensson Invest AB17 495 35273 799 81991 295 1717,814,0
Swedbank Robur Fonder-76 479 86676 479 8666,54,3
AMF Fonder & Pension-59 698 38959 698 3895,13,4
Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning-34 623 54934 623 5493,01,9
Lannebo Kapitalförvaltning-22 092 82622 092 8261,91,2
SEB Investment Management-21 746 08221 746 0821,91,2
Handelsbanken Fonder-21 490 57721 490 5771,81,2
Folksam-17 312 04717 312 0471,51,0
Cliens Kapitalförvaltning-13 837 78913 837 7891,20,8
Others25 272420 277 064420 302 33635,923,6
Total67 376 5921 104 623 4081 172 000 000100100

Data per 2024-09-30.

Source: Euroclear.

Share-related key figures

Multi-year summary20232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007 
Rental income, SEKm11 94410 5218 9568 1347 6096 7145 9155 3732 7112 5251 8841 7011 4661 333854633678 
Profit from property management, SEKm6 1356 1395 5434 2444 0233 3042 8042 2651 7801 275854691516417315174179 
Changes in value of investment properties, SEKm-9 9955 53013 1113 4539 5778 0075 3364 9323 3883 0508548129901 0474-201642 
Changes in value of derivatives, SEKm-1 8991 617511-141-180-34144-114227-624433-71-520148-23-3337 
Profit after tax, SEKm-6 74610 17518 5086 6418 9589 3087 1185 4744 9163 1281 7381 1628121 338248-388785 
Investment properties, SEKm209 000213 932189 138149 179141 392116 54298 36086 17768 45637 38227 53222 27817 55614 38912 6607 0866 758 
Development properties, SEKm2 7503 4212 6972 8032 3441 598----------- 

Data per 2023-12-31.

Source: Balder's year-end report 2023.