Here you will find Balder's prospectuses and final terms.
Sustainable financing is a precondition for long-term profitability. Balder’s green framework has been designed to give Balder a broad range of opportunities for green financing and is based on third-party certified properties and ambitious goals for energy consumption.
Balder's first green framework was presented in 2019. The green financing framework 2023 has been developed with adaptation to the EU Taxonomy and is connected to Balder’s ambition to contribute to the goals according to Agenda 2030. The company has the option to issue green bonds, with the condition that the issue proceeds are only used for financing projects and assets covered by the framework.
Balder's green financing framework has been developed in line with ICMA´s Green Bond Principles 2021. The framework has undergone an independent evaluation by Cicero Shades of Green and assigned it an overall rating of “Medium Green”. Balder will annually publish a Green Financing Impact Report with an account of how the funds have been used.
In addition to green bonds, Balder has green loans with Swedish banks, both within the Balder Group and in associated companies, and a green loan agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB).