Sustainability shall be integrated in Balder’s day-to-day operations and is governed by the general sustainability policy and the Code of Conduct. By adopting a proactive approach to sustainability issues, risks can be managed and new business opportunities identified.

Our Code of Conduct and related policies are based on international guidelines such as the UN Global Compact’s principles for human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO’s Core Conventions and the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. These policies interact with our business concept, goals and other policies for governing the company in a way that is sustainable in the long term. The sustainability policy includes the company’s environmental policy that you find together with our Code of conduct and other policies under Corporate Governance.

Balder tries as far as possible to contribute to a positive development in a wider perspective than just in the company’s own operations, by such means as imposing requirements on suppliers and developing sustainable urban districts and areas.

Management and development of properties, just like all business activity, is associated with risks and these must be handled responsibly and in a controlled manner. Balder works continually on identifying and reducing the risks that can impact operations. Handled in the right way, risks can generate opportunities and create value.


Balder's goal is to maintain a culture characterized by openness and to be a long-term, responsible actor with high business ethics. It is important to us that irregularities and misconduct are noticed and investigated as early as possible. That’s why we have a service for whistleblowing and urge everyone to speak up in case of suspected violations of the Code of conduct or other policies.